Services :
Cutaneous Surgeries
Vitiligo skin grafting
GFC therapy at Soumya’s Skin Clinic is a personalized experience designed to rejuvenate your skin from within. During the treatment, our trained professionals gently extract a small amount of your blood.
Ear lobe repair
Earlobe repair is required for a number of reasons, including ageing, congenital earlobe malformations, persistently wearing heavy earrings, and unexpected injuries. To prevent physical discomfort and aesthetic problems, it is advised to have strained, ripped, or lacerated earlobes fixed. Earlobes can be reshaped and enlarged with early therapy. The edges of a traumatised, split earlobe are healed using surgical and non-surgical techniques for painless and secure earlobe restoration, allowing the “fresh” raw edges to adhere to one another.
Acne scars
It is difficult enough to have active acne breakouts, but the scars that acne can leave behind can also be frustrating. The healing process for acne scars is now under research and development. However, in order to begin therapy, you must first completely clear your skin of any and all acne, as future outbreaks may result in the development of new acne scars. Some of the treatments for scars that are described here are incompatible with the acne drugs that are typically prescribed, and inflammation brought on by breakouts can also make treatments less effective.
Nail avulsions
The removal of a fingernail or, more commonly, a toenail through the use of a chemical that breaks down the nail plate is known as medical nail avulsion. The completion of this task won’t cause you any discomfort and will take several weeks. Nails can also be removed in part or fully using the following methods:
Surgical nail avulsion Trauma.
These more aggressive processes cause discomfort and have the potential to result in irreversible nail dystrophy.
Skin tag removal
Skin tags are noncancerous growths that are typically seen in the folds of the skin in areas such as the neck, armpits, breasts, groyne, and eyelids. Skin tags are typically soft.These growths are made up of loose collagen fibres that have been trapped inside of the skin’s thicker sections. These skin lesions are typically harmless; however, if they become caught on jewellery or clothing, they can cause a great deal of discomfort. If these growths are causing you discomfort, there is help available.
Wart and mole removal
Moles and warts are two skin ailments that are quite prevalent and, in most cases, pose no health risk. However, they can be a source of both physical discomfort and social embarrassment, which is why a lot of people decide to get them treated instead of just living with them. At our clinic, we employ an effective and time-saving method for removing warts and moles from patients.
We being the best hospital near LB nagar treat all kind of derma problems. We know how to help you, the patient, like never before. We provide the best possible service and treatment for all of your skin problems. We are the only service that can help you get the help you need, the whole time. Our prices are reasonable and we are here to help you every step of the way. We are rated the best skincare clinic in LB nagar